As the new school season begins, Jinan's Lixia District Library is wrapping up its vibrant summer program. From July to August, the library hosted a series of events under the theme "Reading in Lixia: A Summer of Books", designed to foster a love for reading among the public. The program featured 69 activities across nine categories, including ''Reading Companions'', ''Knowledge and Practice Classes'', ''Growth Camps'', and ''Junior Administrator Social Practices'', attracting over 5,000 participants.
The Lixia District Library offers an extensive and diverse selection of books. [Photo/Jinan Daily]
The summer events created a rich, imaginative environment for children of all ages. Activities ranged from engaging picture book readings and creative DIY workshops to readings of educational classics and interactive lectures. Highlights included growth training camps and innovative craft workshops, each offering unique summer experiences. These events provided children with ample opportunities to read, learn, and talk about books.
The program garnered significant praise from media, readers, and industry professionals, establishing ''library activities'' as a popular summer choice. Looking ahead, Lixia District Library plans to continue its mission of promoting traditional and revolutionary Chinese culture, while enhancing its public cultural services through diverse and inclusive offerings.